Medical and Spiritual therapies - Working Hand in Hand

Your help makes a difference

The work of the “Heaven Foundation CIEL”

The “Heaven Foundation CIEL” explores Scriptures and Human’s Health to inspire authentic spiritual treatment and support for today.

Our vision is Medical and Spiritual therapies - Working Hand in Hand.

Who We Are

Vision And Mission

Our Vision is to promote a multi-dimensional approach to life and disease, that simultaneously addresses:

What We Believe

A line has been drawn between visible and invisible, material and immaterial, and finally between physical and spiritual.

Our History

How It All Started
Glory be given to God who makes his mystery possible through his Holy Spirit.

Who We Are

Vision And Mission

Our Vision is to promote a multi-dimensional approach to life and disease, that simultaneously addresses: the visible or physical and the invisible or spiritual aspects of health or wellness. Our mission is carried out by developing health and educational infrastructures along with providing good spiritual health, education in spirituality, as well as creating opportunities for livelihoods. We also have as our mission to provide long-term sustainable assistance to the vulnerable communities and facilitating them towards self-reliance.

Our Primary Scriptures Based Objectives are:
  • Educate and increase awareness of the importance and influence of the spirituality in wellness and illness.
  • Provide Spiritual care to diverse patients in healthcare settings.
  • Promote research in the field of health and spirituality.
  • Develop initiatives that promote the development of spirituality.
  • Pioneering new approaches to
    • Maintain good spiritual health.
    • Boost people’s spirituality.
    • Recognise spiritual issues.
    • Adress spiritual issues.
    • Prevent spiritual issues.
What We Believe

A line has been drawn between visible and invisible, material and immaterial, and finally between physical and spiritual. But must we choose either one or the other in order to find answers to our deeply held questions? In fact, the fixation upon only what is visible may lead us to overlook the signature of the supernatural realm upon human's health. “By faith we understand that the worlds were created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible” (Hebrews 11:3). The visible world is thus an image of that invisible one and the former follows the latter like a silhouette. Nothing is more invisible than a thought, which can be expressed through sound waves, which in turn are also invisible to our naked eyes; unless we find a way to make the sound waves move something that we can see. The complexity of the electrical signals and the biological signaling pathways carried through the human body are also just two of the other ways that the visible testifies to the invisible. Jesus Christ, ‘the visible representation of the invisible God’ (Colossians 1:15), said, "Images are visible to people, but the light within them is hidden in the image of the Father's light. He will be disclosed, but his image is hidden by his light"(Gospel of Thomas). In the medical arena, the presence of signs and symptoms testifies to the invisible (naked eye) underlying disease, which itself precedes the onset of the physical manifestations in individuals affected by the condition. Thus, while the invisible may precede and dictate the visible, changes in the visible arena may also be preceded by changes in the unseen realm. Symptoms that are absent at the onset of illness may develop or worsen over time due to the invisible disease progression (i.e., a change in the underlying disease state). While those signs and symptoms may disappear altogether, with or without treatment, the underlying disease may persist or even become permanent. This may be the reason why the Apostle Paul advised us to “fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal" (2 Corinthians 4:18).

So, if we want to see things change in our reality, it is important to act on the supernatural realm. We therefore suggest a multi-dimensional approach to life and disease, that simultaneously addresses: the visible or physical and the invisible or spiritual aspects of health or wellness. If we are unable to solve a problem (such as treating a disease) in the visible world, then we must seek answers in the realm of the invisible world until we find it. Jesus said, “Those who seek should not stop seeking until they find. When they find, they will be disturbed. When they are disturbed, they will marvel, and will rule over all” (Gospel of Thomas). We recognise that this is an incredibly complex subject from both a scriptural and scientific perspective. Advances in science and new revelation could alter some, or even many, of the ideas made here.
Our History

How It All Started
Glory be given to God who makes his mystery possible through his Holy Spirit. The “Heaven Foundation CIEL” was founded by one of the most qualified cardiologist and clinician scientist in the world by God’s grace, Emmanuel Eroume A Egom, called to be a laborer of the kingdom of heaven by the will of God, set apart to promote the importance and influence of the spirituality in wellness and illness within the scientific and medical community, and beyond. Every disease has a spiritual root. What we call disease or symptoms are all just effects or end products of a disturbance in the normal functioning of the spirit i.e., a physical manifestation of a spiritual problem.
Matthew 17: 15 “Lord, have mercy on my son,” he said. “He has seizures and is suffering greatly. He often falls into the fire or into the water. 18 Jesus rebuked the demon, and it came out of the boy, and he was healed at that moment’
There are two rules in medicine:

  • Treat the cause of the problem when practicable.
  • Otherwise, treat symptomatically (this is what physicians do most of the time).

Since a malfunctioning spirit is at the root of most diseases, if you want to attack the cause of the problem, you should seek God’s help asking for mercy or misericord. Proverbs 18: “The human spirit can endure in sickness, but a crushed spirit who can bear?” Why do you have to ask for mercy or misericord? Because sin is at the root of a malfunctioning spirit, which in turn predispose you to develop disease (and thus death) by making you more vulnerable to unclean spirits. Romans 5: “12 Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned” We continually give thanks to God “For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man” (1 Corinthians 15:21). And therefore, also the forgiveness of sins. But your healing also depends on your faith; this must serve the glory of God so that through it the glory of the Son of God is revealed… Matthew 9: “2 And behold, they brought to him a paralytic, lying on his bed; and when Jesus saw their faith he said to the paralytic, “Take heart, my son; your sins are forgiven.”

All living things – whether that be human, plant or animal – have a spirit that maintains and directs life and separates living matter from non-living matter.
A spirit is a form of energy that enables all living things to self-heal or to preserve life and directs the different body systems to function as a harmonious whole, in much the same way a conductor directs the separate parts of an orchestra to produce a single, pleasing piece of music.

The spirit is thus responsible for maintaining the body’s state of health and balance:

  • The state of our spirit determines our state of health throughout a person’s entire life.
  • It is constantly assaulted.
  • A healthy spirit maintains a healthy mind and body and a weakened or blocked spirit will allow illness to enter the person.

When we become unwell, we often look to the symptoms as the cause of the problem. In reality, symptoms are only the secondary changes- products of a deeper disturbance. Apart from injury, the symptoms of disease and ill-health can only occur when there has been a disruption to the spirit. This disruption can occur from psychic (mental rather than physical) shocks such as deep grief, prolonged anxiety, terror, disappointment, or even extreme joy. Physical shocks can come from infectious diseases, exposure to the elements, trauma, malnutrition, extreme exertion, and so on. all the symptoms a patient exhibits are only a reflection of an imbalance in that patient’s inner force.

What We Do

Educational Projects

Evidence shows that experiences in childhood are extremely important for a child’s spiritual development and lifelong learning. One of the “Heaven Foundation CIEL” mission is carried out by developing educational infrastructures to help build learning environments that promote and support child and student spiritual well-being.

Health Projects

The “Heaven Foundation CIEL” promotes good spiritual health by developing high-quality health infrastructure where a multi-dimensional approach to life and disease, that simultaneously addresses: the visible or physical and the invisible or spiritual aspects of health or wellness would constitute the cornerstone of high-quality health care.

Campaign Projects

The “Heaven Foundation CIEL” frequently organises education campaigns, meetings, conferences, and events around the world to educate and increase awareness of the importance and influence of the spirituality in wellness and illness.

Research Projects

Over the past decades there has been a growth in the field of spirituality and health research showing a positive influence of spirituality and spiritual care. Providing spiritual care to patients with serious illness has been associated with better end-of-life outcomes, and unmet spiritual needs can be associated with poorer patient quality of life and wellbeing.

Field Research

Spiritual Health Research
We conduct and support rigorous and comprehensive research studies in the field of health and spirituality. Over the past decades there has been a growth in the field of spirituality and health research showing a positive influence of spirituality and spiritual care. Providing spiritual care to patients with serious illness has been associated with better end-of-life outcomes, and unmet spiritual needs can be associated with poorer patient quality of life and wellbeing. Spirituality should thus be incorporated into care for both illness and wellness, as well as being a vital part of future whole person-centered care. Focusing on spirituality in health care would mean caring for the whole subject, not just their disease.

Support Our Mission Through Education

Discover Insights and Contribute to Change

At the Heaven Foundation CIEL, we believe in empowering individuals through education while working towards our broader mission of improving spiritual wellness and community well-being globally. We are excited to offer you a unique opportunity to contribute to our initiatives through our affiliated e-commerce platform, which features a curated selection of books on spiritual health.

Why Purchase Books from Our E-commerce Platform?

  • Dual Benefits: Each purchase not only provides you with valuable knowledge to aid your spiritual journey but also directly supports the Foundation’s projects. Every book sold helps us fund and expand our outreach efforts, educational programs, and community services.
  • Quality Content: Our selection includes books written by leading experts in the field of spiritual health, including works by Dr. Emmanuel Eroume A Egom. These books are crafted to enlighten, inspire, and guide you in deepening your understanding of the connection between spirituality and well-being.
  • Enhance Your Spiritual Journey: By purchasing a book from our e-commerce platform, you’ll gain insights and practical guidance that can transform your personal health practices and spiritual understanding.

How Your Purchase Helps:
All proceeds from the book sales are funneled directly into the Heaven Foundation CIEL’s initiatives. This funding supports:

  • Community health and wellness programs
  • Educational workshops and seminars
  • Outreach efforts to underserved communities

Make a Difference Today
We invite you to visit our e-commerce site and explore our collection of spiritual health books. Choose a title that resonates with you, and know that your purchase extends beyond personal growth to supporting a greater cause.

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Your support is invaluable, and together, we can continue to make a significant difference in the lives of many. Thank you for joining us in this mission of education and empowerment.

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